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Three Tips to Streamline Your Pool Care Routine

Three Tips to Streamline Your Pool Care Routine

Having a pool right in your backyard can sound glamorous and luxurious.  You are able to relax and beat the heat by just walking outside of your back door.  However, many people neglect one important factor:  the maintenance.  A pool requires routine maintenance in order to maintain its function and safety.  The water needs to stay balanced, the filter needs to work properly, the pool needs to be cleaned, and the surface needs to be skimmed.  All of these chores ...

Benefits of Owning a Pool in Central Florida

Benefits of Owning a Pool in Central Florida

When you live in the sunshine state, you most likely want to be near water.  Where there is sunshine, there is usually heat.  Many homeowners in central Florida own swimming pools on their property or have access to community swimming pools so they can easily beat the heat.  By cooling off poolside, residents are able to enjoy the sunny days in Florida.  Our pool service in Orlando helps homeowners keep their pool safe and ready for swimming at any time.  There are ma...

Tips for Easy Pool Maintenance

Tips for Easy Pool Maintenance

Many homes in central Florida come equipped with pools to help residents cool off during those hot, sunny days common in our area.  However, there is nothing worse than jumping in your pool only to realize it's dirty, filmy, or unbalanced.  You will immediately put a damper on what was planning to be a relaxing afternoon spent lounging in the pool.  As a pool service in Orlando, we can recommend that you follow these few tips for easy pool maintenance. Clean Skim...

Why You Should Trust Pure and Simple Pool Care with Your Pool Needs

Why You Should Trust Pure and Simple Pool Care with Your Pool Needs

Are you looking to save time, money, and stress by hiring a pool maintenance company to keep your pool clean and safe?  Are you tired of servicing your own pool?  Do you want a little help to keep your pool ready for swimming?  Hire Pure and Simple Pool Care, a quality pool service in Winter Park, to help service your pool and keep it ready for swimming at any time.  Our pool cleaning experts provide a service above the rest.  There are many reasons why you should tru...

Tips to Prevent the Growth of Algae in Your Orlando Pool

Tips to Prevent the Growth of Algae in Your Orlando Pool

Have you noticed a green substance growing on the sides of your swimming pool in Orlando?  You likely have algae growing and spreading throughout your pool.  These algae will need to be removed and thoroughly cleaned out before it continues to spread and turn all of the water in the pool a dark green color.  Once it spreads, it will only get worse.  As a pool service in Orlando, we recommend a few tips in order to prevent the growth of algae in your Orlando pool. ...

Why You Should Hire a Pool Maintenance Service

Why You Should Hire a Pool Maintenance Service

Keeping a pool up and running, clean, and safe can be a challenging task for busy homeowners.  The routine maintenance required to keep a pool functional may deter people from actually enjoying the days spent in their pool.   Instead of letting your pool maintenance list pile up, it may be time to hire a pool service to come to your home on a regular basis and tend to all the needs of your pool.  This way, you can simply walk outside and enjoy the water instead of having t...

How to Create a Pool Care Schedule

How to Create a Pool Care Schedule

If you want to keep your pool in tip-top shape, you will need to stay on top of pool care and maintenance.  This can require a lot of time and effort, but it will increase the longevity of your pool and keep it from requiring costly repairs.  It also will keep your pool open and safe for use.  Central Floridians engage in routine pool care in order to keep their pools open all year round.  As a pool service in Orlando, we have a few tips on how you can create a pool care s...

How to Treat Your Swimming Pool After a Storm

How to Treat Your Swimming Pool After a Storm

Your swimming pool can take a horrible beating during a storm. Therefore, it is necessary to clean your pool before you swim in it or you expose yourself to all types of bad stuff that can leave you sick. At the same time, you should never completely drain the water from your pool after a storm. Here are the steps to clean your pool after a storm.  Skim Leaves and Debris Grab your skimmer and get as many leaves and as much debris out of the water as possible. Manual...

Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Winter Park Swimming Pool

Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Winter Park Swimming Pool

There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes in the world. The great news is that only about 40 of them live in Central Florida, but it can be hard to tell when you go outside. You built your swimming pool or brought a home with one so that you could enjoy it on summer days, but the mosquitoes may make you want to stay inside. Use these tips to keep mosquitoes away from your swimming pool. If you have puddles of stagnant water that you cannot easily remove, then drop an insect growth inhibitor ...

The Effects of Pollen on Your Swimming Pool

The Effects of Pollen on Your Swimming Pool

Each year seems to bring more pollen to the air in the Orlando area, where residents are in a unique position because something is pollinating all the time. By mid-January, certain species of trees can start budding. Spring flower pollination brings even more pollen. Weeds tend to pollinate in the fall. Then the cycle starts all over again, especially if temperatures reach freezing during the winter. Even if you carefully maintain your landscaping, you can end up with pollen in your swimming ...

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