8 Tips for Pool Maintenance

8 Tips for Pool Maintenance

8 Tips for Pool Maintenance

Owning a pool demands satisfying specific duties to keep it looking appealing and working correctly. A pool can deliver plenty of pleasure and entertainment, but it is vital to maintain it accurately to ensure it endures and needs infrequent repairs in the future. Keeping a pool in flawless condition requires labor and commitment throughout the summer and the remainder of the year. Pure and Simple Pool Care delivers pool service in Winter Park if you outsource your routine pool maintenance needs.

It will be painless to take care of the pool and ensure it looks good and performs virtually with some fundamental tips. Here are seven pool maintenance tips to keep your pool in excellent order.

Use a tennis ball

Using tennis balls in your pool helps keep it hygienic. You want to plunge a couple of tennis balls in and let them remain for a bit to absorb oils from hair products, creams, and natural body oils into the water and make your pool much cleaner.

Empty collection pots and baskets

Extracting lint and hair from the pot on your pool's pump is crucial every two weeks (or sooner) and requires shutting down the pump and releasing system pressure. Clean out the pool skimmer basket and waste catcher or leaf basket if you own these.

Check your water level.

Regularly inspecting the water level in your pool can confirm it is not too low, which causes issues with the pump. High water levels cause problems. You can anticipate water level inconsistencies after severe storms or lots of pool usage, so check it from time to time and make sure water levels stay half the length of your pool skimmer.

Measure water quality

Testing water quality frequently, balancing chemicals, and monitoring chlorine levels are imperative. Without the appropriate chemical balance, pools can house bacteria, appear murky, and harm people swimming in them. Therefore, it is vital to check water quality at least once weekly during the summer, more often if possible. In addition, water should be inspected every two weeks in the winter to ensure that chemical levels are proportional. The proper pH for a pool is 7.4 to 7.6. Not balancing pH can cause calcium buildup on the pool sides and other issues, so it's critical to keep it maintained.

Scrubbing and skimming

Routine pool upkeep requires plenty of skimming and scrubbing. Skimming a pool is the most standard and regularly completed care that a pool demands. Skimming refers to clearing leaves and other debris off the surface and will probably need to be done daily to keep the pool in order.

Scrubbing doesn't need to be done continually but should be completed at least every two weeks. Don't overlook scrubbing the sides of your pool with a scrub brush to ensure the sides look excellent. Also, supervise algae growth and employ the scrub brush to guarantee it doesn't build up.

Professional servicing

While you perform a lot of the upkeep needed for your pool on your own, it is also crucial to seek experienced service at least once annually to confirm that the pool stays in good condition. Pool professionals are incredibly good at inspecting the equipment and components like filters, pumps, and heating systems. Their technical knowledge can help ensure every part of your pool operates and help extend its life. Pure and Simple Pool Care specializes in pool service in Winter Park and would love to be of assistance today!