Basics Of Pool Care

As a swimming pool service Orlando is proud to call its own, we want to educate our clients as much as possible, making it easier for you to choose the right direction in pool services.

The following is some basic information on how your pool operates and how it should be maintained. This is a guide to keeping your pool in tip top swimming condition so you and your family can enjoy yourselves more often, and eliminate some costly maintenance fees. Pool care in Orlando doesn’t have to be expensive.


Pools are like cars; they all have the same function, but each one is a little different from the next and require different maintenance. Some pools are more complex than others and everyone needs to treat and maintain theirs accordingly. Each pool cleaning service in Orlando also has its own take on pool care, cleaning, and general maintenance, so make sure you choose the best service for you.

The basic pool system is comprised of the following:

  • Pool Pump

    This moves and circulates the water in the pool.

  • Filter

    Filters out contaminants as the water flows through.

  • Timer

    Controls when the pool turns on and shuts off.

  • Skimmer

    Removes floating materials from the pool surface

  • Main Drain

    Pulls in water from the bottom of the pool.

  • Jets

    Returns the water to the pool and promoting the circulation.


The water in your pool water must be circulated to ensure that it’s sanitized to its fullest potential. The more your water is in motion; the harder it is for bacteria and algae to take hold and infest your swimming area. As a top swimming pool service Orlando has to offer, we can also state that the water circulation is what will lead to unwanted debris entering your pool filter, making it easier on you in the long run.

The best time to circulate the water is during the day, for 8 hours or more. Circulation is key to a healthy swimming pool. Proper circulation allows the water to be cleaned by the filter, as well as evenly distributing the chemicals throughout the swimming pool. The circulation of the pool is important to keeping the water balanced and free of harmful contaminants. The amount of time the pool circulates is very important to maintaining the health of your pool. The time required for your pool to circulate varies based on many factors but in general a pool should circulate for one hour for every 10 degrees in air temperature. For example if it is 90 degrees the pool should run for 9 hours. Proper circulation is the best way to prevent issues.



A good pool service in Orlando will tell you that filtration is pivotal to the maintenance of any pool. The pool filter removes dirt, debris and some contaminants from the pool water that you really don’t want in there. This filter requires routine cleaning to keep it working properly. In general, cleaning is required after system pressure increases by 8lbs from clean reading. The basic types and cleaning methods are:

  • Sand

    The flow is reversed and drained out of the pool referred to as "Backwashing".

  • Diatomaceous Earth

    Backwashing, then requires replacement of Diatomaceous Earth powder.

  • Cartridge

    The filter is removed then rinsed thoroughly with garden hose.

In addition to cleaning the cartridge filter should be replaced about once a year. Diatomaceous Earth filters should be opened, cleaned and inspected once a year. Your pool filter should be cleaned and inspected regularly, since pool filters don’t get rid of oils and some deeply embedded debris. You should have a swimming pool service in Orlando you can trust to maintenance your filters and ensure your pool is always clean and free of unwanted contaminates.

Water Chemistry

The chemistry of the water is critical to maintaining a healthy and swimmable pool. The water should be checked every week. Improper levels can cause damage to pool surface, equipment and even to the swimmers inside of it. Below is the proper pool chemistry you should know to keep yours clean and healthy.

pH 7.2-7.6
Total Alkalinity 120-150 ppm
Calcium Hardness 200-250 ppm (Concrete Pools)
Calcium Hardness 175-225 ppm (Vinyl Pools)
Free Chlorine 1-3 ppm

Water Chemistry

Algae Signs and Treatment

Let’s face it; no one likes to even hear the word “algae”. The very thought of this word can make any pool owner shutter. Pool care in Orlando should be easier when spotting and treating all forms of Algae. Algae can form in the pool for various reasons, and in some rare cases, even with proper water chemistry. Typically algae will show up on the shade side of the pool. Walls, steps, and light fixtures are the highest risks of forming pool algae. At various stages the water becomes cloudy and eventually the walls and even the water will change color from the algae growth. The level and stage of the outbreak of algae affects what is required to treat and remove the contaminant. Any good swimming pool service in Orlando will tell you that in most cases increasing the level of free chlorine from 3ppm to 20-30ppm (otherwise known as “shocking the pool”) and running the pool overnight can restore it to its natural beauty. In more severe cases it is best to seek professional service.

Types of Algae

  • Green Algae

    Green algae is the most common type of fresh water algae. Growing on both the surface of the pool as well as in the water, green algae is extremely slimy and tends to turn the water of your pool a hint of – well, green. In some severe cases, the algae is so bad you can’t even see the bottom of your pool and might need a pool service in Orlando to come out and assist you. Because green algae is so aggressive, you need to make sure you take care of the problem before it gets out of hand, making your pool ugly and unusable. Within a period of 24 hours you can begin to see the effects of green algae. For this reason alone, it is always a smart move to ensure the chlorine concentration is well within the appropriate range.

  • Yellow Algae

    Yellow algae is just another form of green algae, however, because of its different appearance and the fact that it’s more difficult to remove, it is considered a completely different type of algae altogether. Pool care in Orlando is hard enough; yellow algae is out to make it even harder. It forms on the surface of the pool and typically in more shaded areas. Still slimy, this algae is yellowish brown in color and can be removed with a pool brush.

  • Black Algae

    When thinking about some of the worst algae to find inside of your pool, any pool service in Orlando will tell you that black algae is among the top of the list. Black algae is very common and certainly the most difficult to remove once it has made a home in your pool. Black algae always forms on the pool surface, and first becomes visible when it is the size of a pencil eraser. It can grow quickly, eventually becoming larger than a hub cap. Rough plaster and other porous surfaces of your pool are at the highest risk for this pesky algae. Once it takes root, it can form an extensive and interact network of roots beneath the surface of your pool, plaster and concrete. Usually by the time the root has formed, the algae becomes visible to the naked eye – by this time, it’s most likely too late.

  • Pink Algae

    Don’t let the pleasant color fool you. Although pink algae is a relatively uncommon, it’s still just as harmful to your pool water and surfaces. Red to light red in color, pink algae usually forms around the pipefittings and light fixtures in your swimming pool. Just as any other great pool cleaning service in Orlando, we are more than happy to explain further about this algae, as well as any other questions you may have regarding the health of your pool.

    Maintaining your pool and practicing proper cleaning procedures is important in preventing all types of algae from forming. If things get out of hand, Pure and Simple Poolcare aims to be the pool care service in Orlando you can depend on to treat your pool and get it back to its original and healthy state.

Types of Algae

Call us now for quotes or with any question you have regarding the health and maintenance of your swimming pool.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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