Five Tips to Maintain a Saltwater Swimming Pool

Five Tips to Maintain a Saltwater Swimming Pool

Five Tips to Maintain a Saltwater Swimming Pool

Saltwater swimming pools are a popular option for pool owners who do not want to deal with all the chemicals that are in traditional pools.  These swimming pools do not require chlorine in order to keep the water safe for swimming, which is a large benefit for people that live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.  However, as a pool service in Orlando, we understand the proper maintenance that goes into keeping pools in optimal condition all year round.  Follow these tips to maintain your saltwater swimming pool.

Install an Anode on the Equipment

Because you do not need to use chlorine to keep your water balanced in a saltwater pool, you will need an anode to protect the metal components from the corrosives of saltwater.  If you have a pool heater to keep your water at warm temperatures, you will actually want to have two anodes on it.  This will protect the copper heat exchange from being eroded away, which can cause it to longer work.

Skim Visible Debris Everyday

Every pool should be properly skimmed every day to remove any visible debris from the surface of the water.  This will help to keep the water clean, which will prevent any buildup from occurring in the filter.  Also, it will prevent any sediment from sinking to the bottom and causing dirt to build up on the bottom of the pool.

Clean Your Pool Weekly

Run your pool vacuum at least once a week.  Pools that are used more frequently should be cleaned more.  Many vacuums only take about 45 minutes to clean the entire pool, and some are even automatic, which means you can just put them in the pool and let them do their job.  Check the water pump and filter to ensure they are working efficiently, and also check the water chemistry to make sure the water is properly balanced.

Check Salt Levels Monthly

Each month, you will want to check the salt levels in the water to make sure that the levels are within the limits specified by your pool manufacturer.  You can fix this problem by adding more salt to the pool water.  At this time, you should also check the stabilizer and the calcium levels as well.

Inspect for Deposits

Remove the salt cell from your pool and inspect for deposits.  If you see any deposits, you need to flush the cell properly with a hose.  If the deposits are not removed with water, you can perform a mild acid wash to fully remove them.  Soak the cell in acid for a couple of minutes, and then rinse it with the hose.  The deposits should now be fully removed.

These are a few care tips that you'll want to follow to keep your saltwater swimming pool running efficiently all year round.  If you are looking for a quality pool service in Orlando to take care of your pool maintenance and care, contact the professionals at Pure and Simple Pool Care today.